Product Features

MathKid is a secure educational platform compatible with all devices.

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Integrate MathKid into Your Education: Learn in Depth

MathKid enhances students' learning by integrating into math education for a deeper understanding. With a broad range of content, MathKid enriches your educational process with the following features.

  • Comprehensive Math Tests
  • Curriculum-Aligned
  • Topic Explanations
  • Homework Assignments
  • Success and Scoreboard
  • Advanced Algorithms
  • Sequential Math Levels
  • Math Activities
One-on-One Personalized Teaching Experience

Superior Success with Personalized Teaching Experience

Unlock your student's full potential with personalized teacher support. Tailored content for each individual guarantees success. We provide professional guidance for the best results in education.

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    Yerleştirme Testleri

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    Süreç İzleme

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    Akıllı Algoritmalar


Math That Students Love

MathKid makes math enjoyable and engaging for children. Our fun and interactive materials enhance students' interest in the math learning process. With MathKid, children learn mathematical concepts while having fun and enjoying the process.

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    Engaging Games

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    Personalized Avatar

Superior Performance with Ease of Use

MathKid is accessible and understandable for students of all ages thanks to its user-friendly interface. With simple navigation and quick access features, it makes the educational process effortless and enjoyable.

  • Fast Registration Process
  • Fun Student Games
  • Integrated Education System
  • Easy Parent Dashboard
  • Effective Education Management

Powerful Teaching Tools for Educators

Math-Kid offers special features that simplify teachers' educational processes and enhance students' success.

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Real-Time Class Performance Reports

Monitor student performance in the classroom in real-time and receive immediate feedback.

service 04 1
Personalized Education Dashboards

Customize the education process with dashboards designed specifically for teachers and students.

service 03 2
Student Success Analysis Reports

Detailed reports that deeply analyze students' achievements and progress.

service 02 1
Education Progress Tracking Reports:

Track students' progress in their educational processes comprehensively and effectively.

service 05 1
Homework Performance Evaluation Reports

Detailed reports that analyze students' homework performance and measure their success.

Reach the Peak in Math

The World's Best Math Activities

Engaging Content

Discover materials filled with captivating and attention-grabbing content that enriches your learning experience.

The Power of Conceptual Learning

Enhance your learning process with specialized methods and strategies designed to deeply understand mathematical concepts.

Advanced Pedagogical Approaches

Optimize children's learning processes with effective and innovative methods in math teaching.

Excellence in Education with MathKid

Discover Children's Math Abilities

MathKid ensures that students reinforce what they have learned in class and enhance their success with content fully aligned with the educational curriculum

Offering global access with multilingual support, MathKid provides easy access for international students and parents. It caters to students of all levels with comprehensive educational materials, while its rich content range makes learning math both enjoyable and effective.

Optimize Student Performance

With MathKid, it's now easier to provide students with the most suitable activities at the right time.

Optimize Student Performance

With MathKid it's now easier to provide students with the most suitable activities at the right time

Preferred by Experts and Users

Many students, teachers, and parents recommend Math-Kid

client 1 sm 1
Martha Maldonado
2nd Grade Teacher

MathKid has led to a noticeable improvement in my students' math success. With its fun and educational content, our lessons are much more productive.

client 2 sm 1
Michael D. Lovelady
Preschool Teacher

MathKid has made math enjoyable for my preschool students. The game-based learning methods, in particular, make abstract concepts more concrete and easier to understand.

client 3 sm 1
Valerie J. Creasman
1st Grade Teacher

The real-life connected games offered by MathKid have enhanced my students' mathematical thinking skills. Parents are also very satisfied with this application.

Unlock Potential

Discover Children's Math Abilities

Learn and Discover with MathKid

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